EBA launches public consultation on amending ITS to introduce new supervisory reporting for IRRBB
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has recently launched a public consultation on its draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting with respect to Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB).
The aim of this new reporting is to provide supervisors with the necessary data to monitor IRRBB risks of credit institutions. The consultation will run until 2 May 2nd 2023 and is a key opportunity for stakeholders to provide their feedback on the proposed reporting requirements.
The new reporting requirements aim to provide quality data to supervisors and are especially relevant in the current environment of high inflation and growing interest rates. The consultation paper includes simplified templates for reporting by small and non-complex institutions and asks for specific feedback on proportionality for medium institutions. Proportionality has been a key consideration in the development of these reporting requirements, as it allows the reporting requirements to be better suited to the size and risk of each institution.
The EBA has organized a public hearing in the form of a webinar on 15 March 2023, to provide interested stakeholders with the opportunity to voice their opinions and provide feedback.
The EBA plans to submit these draft ITS to the European Commission in mid-2023.
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