AI Act and ChatGPT
The AI Act, a significant proposal by the European Union (EU), aims to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to its potential risks. The European Parliament is expected to finalize its stance by May, enabling swift negotiations with the EU Council and Commission in the upcoming trilogues.
The rapid advancement of technologies such as ChatGPT has disrupted discussions around the AI Act, as EU lawmakers grapple with how to address a fast-paced technology that was not originally covered in the proposal.
According to the logic of the AI Act, categorizing an AI system as high or no risk depends on the purpose of use that the provider envisages. Therefore, a big question mark in the negotiations of the legislative proposal is how to deal with General Purpose AI (GPAI), large language models that can be adapted for various tasks.
The European Parliament shared on 14 March a first draft on this sensitive topic, proposing some obligations for the providers of this type of AI model and responsibilities for the different economic actors involved.
The draft proposes that GPAI providers adhere to some requirements initially intended for AI solutions with high-risk potential. This includes ensuring the design, testing, and analysis of GPAI align with risk management requirements to safeguard people's safety, fundamental rights, and EU values. The draft suggests developing cost-effective guidance and capabilities for measuring and benchmarking the compliance of AI systems.
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