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Stepic CEE Charity - proven aid and emergency measures in Ukraine

The Stepic CEE Charity has not only been active in Ukraine since 2006 with various projects, such as a day care centre for neglected street children in Fastiv next to Kiew or an orphanage in Bohodukhiv close to Kharkiv, but also provided fast emergency aid directly after the outbreak of the war. Mostly, the CEE Charity collaborates with its long-term project partners on site.


ODESSA (South Ukraine)

Together with House of Hope and Caritas Spes, our CEE Charity distributed food, mattresses, blankets, medicines, and sanitary products to people in need. Furthermore, they provided transportation for refugees. The CEE Charity also covers the salary of five employees of a Day Care Centre for the next six months.

BERDYANSK (southeast)

In cooperation with Caritas Spes food, mattresses, blankets, medicines, and sanitary products were distributed. The CEE Charity and Caritas Spes also offered transportation services.

MARIUPOL (southeast)

In a joint effort with Caritas Spes, the CEE Charity evacuated orphans from Mariupol to Germany. The children were given food and medical care.


Our CEE Charity helped Hilfswerk Österreich to provide emergency care and equipment for people in shelters. Those in need also received psychosocial support.

UZHHOROD (southwest)

Helping Hands and our CEE Charity together provided 30 Ukrainian families and further refugees in shelters food, medicines, and sanitary products.


In Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, the CEE Charity joined Caritas Österreich in providing emergency aid to displaced women and children in the form of food, heating material and sanitary products. Child-friendly spaces for playing and studying supervised by psychologists were also offered. In addition, the CEE Charity financially supports after-school care and summer camps for Ukrainian children in Moldova.


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